Welcome back to part 5. This portion is dedicated to those choosing to make the notch collar view. Let's get started!
19) With preferred marking method/tool transfer dots on the collar, undercollar, and front body neckline to the fabric, if you have not done so previously. These are important intersecting points.
20) Clip diagonally at neckline lapel intersection. Stop exactly at the dot.

21) With right sides together, sew the front and back shoulder seams together.

22) Sew the undercollar pieces together at the center back, right sides together.

Press open the seam allowance.

23) With right sides together, pin the under collar around the neckline, matching notches to the shoulder seams. Sew from dot to dot, from front neckline across the back neck, to the opposite side.
*Reminder- this is 3/8” (1cm) seam allowance.

24) Pivot collar edge to match to lapel notch and sew together. Start exactly at the dot where you stopped and stop exactly at the dot close to the edge of lapel. Repeat for opposite side.

25) Turn over to the right side to ensure lapel/ collar seam is smooth, without bumps or puckers. If there are, remove the stitching from step 24 and re-start. If you are having difficulty, try starting exactly where the collar stitching ended.

That's it! Not too bad right?
Get ready to set the sleeves in part 6!